Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MRI Today

Today we saw our little man showing courage! The nurse was unable to get an IV in his hand. She worked hard sticking him twice even when the numbing cream wasn't working this time (at least not as well). He tried so hard to redirect his thoughts. We were so proud of him! Thank you for your prayers; we also felt His peace today. I was reminded tonight, from one of you, of a scripture that is very dear to my heart- I sang it for three years in my chorus group.  "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26 - He is so gracious, isn't he? Psalm 139 reminds my of how he knows my every step, my every word before I say it; He knows the days that are numbered for me; His hand is upon me, will guide me, and will hold me fast...such knowledge is too wonderful!

We have two appointments tomorrow. One with the Neurosurgeon and one with the Oncologist. Both in the afternoon so it will be a very long day. We will post again tomorrow night. Thank you for all your support.

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