Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Thank you all for your many prayers yesterday. We truly felt covered throughout the day. I felt the Lord give me certain very meaningful passages from His Word along with a reminder of an awesome song out that many of you may know called “He is with us.”

In light of all that it doesn’t necessary mean that what we walked through yesterday was a breeze and that everything went perfectly. However, what I do know is that we experienced His grace and it created some opportunities for future growth for Caleb.

Caleb was really confident walking in until I realized I forgot our special numbing cream that we ALWAYS have. Needless to say his demeanor changed quickly, and I felt really bad. He was courageous to take the IV even when he didn’t want to. He cried, but we reminded him that courage doesn’t mean you don’t cry or show emotion- it means that you face your fear and with God’s help you don’t run away- and that’s what he did, so we were proud of him.

He was excited about the movie goggles and the Child-Life specialist was really great to prepare him for the MRI. Overall the MRI was successful- we got the images that we needed and for that we are very thankful. However, Caleb did struggle with being in there for so long. He kept moving his feet; he needed to wipe his eyes, etc. He was informed often that he couldn’t move a millimeter, and I believe that was very nerve-racking for him. He said he was sore coming out, and I believe that’s because he tensed his muscles up the whole time. We had hoped he would “get lost” in the movie; but that wasn’t the case. The noises were loud and although he could hear and see the movie, it didn’t distract him enough. He came out saying he didn’t want to do that again!

So, our prayer for future MRI’s will be for wisdom to have just the right words to help Caleb take steps of faith to do something he really doesn’t want to do. It’s been in these moments that the Lord has grown and stretched my faith. And that Caleb will not develop a negative spirit towards these experiences.

 So, the positive is that I know the Lord can use this and future MRI’s to grow His faith and dependence on Him. It still hurts my heart, but we will trust the Lord with that as well.

Thanks again for loving us well with all your prayers and support. We will update probably tonight if we can after hearing the results.

In Christ,


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