Sunday, August 08, 2010


It's been awhile since I last blogged, (Austin says I blog quarterly-that seems to be pretty true these days!) and over the last three months we have seen several milestones in the Henderson home. Here we are on the 4th of July. Caleb is 4 and 4 months and Annelise is almost 13 months- I can't believe it!

I'll start with Caleb's milestones. #1- reading books - About a year ago, Caleb started reading for the 1st time. Over the year he improved more and more as we practiced. I didn't have a curriculum. I just wrote words on blank paper, and we practiced sounding out. However, a few months ago, Karen, told me about these little readers called Bob Books that you could get at Barns & Noble. I had readers with my Kindergartners but had to leave those behind when I left teaching. I didn't know I could buy them at the bookstore! So, we purchased them, and Caleb has absolutely blown us away with the ease of his reading!!! We are SOOOO VERY proud of him!! Yea, Caleb!!!!!

Milestone #2- swimming. Austin and I are thrilled that Caleb has started swimming! He had a rough start, but sweet Kimberly has helped teach him. He is doing great! We will continue lessons for the next several years I'm sure.
Milestone #3- swinging. Caleb is swinging by himself- pumping like a mad man! He loves to swing as much as I do- reaching to the sky!!
Milestone #4- buckling himself into the car seat!! Whaoooo!!! It's about time!! We told him we'd go out for ice cream once he mastered it- he finally did- I am thrilled to only buckle in Annelise every time we go anywhere!!!! Thank you, Caleb!!!!
He is growing up for sure. He is really into superheroes right now- pretending to be Superman, Batman or Green Lantern; he loves to talk, as you know- he's a social bug! And, he has truly become a sponge when it comes to his Bible knowledge- we are amazed- he is memorizing much larger chunks of scripture- and our favorite book is the Jesus Story Book Bible- absolutely excellent!! It has made me cry a few times already!
And lastly- he passed his eye exam with flying colors- thank you, Father! And thank you for your prayers over the years! We are in the process with two other doctors in Alabama to get a 2nd opinion. We have an appointment in November; however, we are hoping that he will only have to review his file and not have to see him personally. We will see.
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At the end of May Emma, Noah, and Caeden came to stay with us for a few days while their parents went on a trip. Caleb loved every moment!- and we did too! They are precious to us- we had so much fun!

I laughed at this picture of Caleb and Emily!! She came and stayed a night when her mother had baby number #3- Stella Grace. Caleb has been loving the sleepovers this summer!!

This picture, I think, will be a favorite of mine for years to come and will probably make me cry. Caleb wrote his whole name from memory for the 1st time (not just his 1st name). He was soooooo proud of himself!!! It is so rewarding to teach Caleb to read and write!

This was a tough fit- 4 wiggle worms in Annelise's small pool- where's Annelise?? I love Timothy's big grin and how he calls me "Cole." I could eat him up!
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Annelise has had some milestones as well over the past few months. Milestone #1-turning one! I can't believe she's a year! She has changed so much and it's gone by so fast- she is the biggest snuggle-bug with not only her stuffed animals but also with Mommy and Daddy. We eat it up! She is definitely different than Caleb- she has a little more spunk-little more of an opinion- she absolutely loves the water and is not afraid- and she is what Ma calls a bumblebee (very busy and curious)-but she is so fun and such a sweetheart! We are loving her dearly. She also loves food as much as Caleb- if that's possible!!!

Here she is eating her first cake! We had her party out in the blazing sun- what were we thinking??!! To see more of her birthday click here.

Milestone #2 - walking. Annelise is walking everywhere these days- it's been so fun to see her up on her feet! And look at that tan! She has her Mimi's skin.
Milestone #3- talking. Annelise is saying a few words! Dada, hot (without the "t" sound), Mama sometimes, and "Tuh" for Tuck- the neighborhood cat. Caleb can't wait to hear her say his name!
And Milestone #4- no longer a baby. This one is a milestone for both Annelise and myself. I just can't believe it. Austin and I want more children; however, we don't feel called to having any more of our own. We want to adopt. More than likely we won't be bringing home a baby. This is a big deal for me. I am done with pregnancy, with nursing, and with holding my own newborn infants- it's sad, but it feels right too. I have cherished these times with my two- thank you Lord for these precious gifts you have given us. It has been a tremendous joy.

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Here she is splashing in the pool. In the bathtub, she sticks her face and head in the faucet and then laughs as the water gushes over her head!!
Here she is eating Ma's famous pinto beans for the 1st time- she couldn't get enough of them and got them everywhere!!
I love this picture of her and Daddy at the farm. He can always make her laugh.
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And, lastly Austin and I have just reached a milestone- July 1st we celebrated our 10th Anniversary!!!!!! I just can't believe it!! It has been a wonderful 10 years. Yes, we were married at 21 and both still in school- but the Lord has been gracious- I wouldn't change it for anything! He is my knight in shining armor. Thank you again to everyone who made our wedding possible- especially our parents, our wedding party, and countless family friends who pulled it all together! We are leaving in two weeks for a cruise- just the two of us to continue our celebration!

And because it's been so long since I blogged last...back at the end of April we went to Merry Acres Farm with our best friends for the 3rd year in a row- these friends are rare- we do life together- not perfectly but authentically- they are gifts from above. We love you guys!!

Here are our 11 kids- next year they will out number us!!!!!!!! We have tons more cute pictures- click here to see more!
Well, if are still reading this blog entry, I applaud you- it's a long one! The only other thing I'll add is that in the midst of the craziness of our lives with plenty of everyday obstacles alongside of some really tough things this year- like losing one of my dearest friends and spending the last 9 months in daily pain in my head and neck, I feel like God is meeting me here. He has reminded me that "Rejoicing in the Lord is my strength. " Neh. 8:10 and has given me this song this week...I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever.....
He is truly good. Grace and peace to you...Nicole
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