My dear friend Misty died one year ago today. She and I shared many wonderful memories over the 30 years of growing up together. After putting the kids to bed tonight I curled up next to Austin and cried remembering vividly not only the phone call I received that night and the agony that went with that call but also the flash of literally a hundred-plus memories of the two of us- all so dear to my heart. Soon after Misty died last year I posted a blog about her and shared some memories and photos. I also said that one day I would dig up some old pictures of us and post them. Well, tonight I got out the memory box and started digging. It felt good to look back. Here are a few...

Here's Misty at one of my birthday parties- i think I was turning 9 or 10.
This is one of my absolute favorites!! She and I played softball together for 3 years- this picture is us after one of our games. I love to see those Purity hats!! Misty was a lot better than me at softball- I stood out in left field chewing gum- that's when my dad started calling me Snooks! He'd yell, "Go, Snooks!" to try to wake me up, I'm sure!! The name stuck and everyone called me that all growing up-including Misty.
Here we are goofing off at an overnight birthday party we went to together. Misty was always singing! Check out those Umbro shorts I have on!
These pictures crack me up- we were asked to pose for an article in a magazine called Teenage Christian. The pictures were being taken by a family friend. I remember us both being nervous! I think we were in the 8th grade.
Here we are on Wilderness trek climbing up a Colorado mountain the summer before our Junior year of high school. What an amazing week we had!! It was such hard work but worth it to reach the summit and it's view from the top!!
Both our dads came with us on the trek which was very special. The hike was challenging and a memory I will cherish with my dad.

At the end of our senior year the girls in our youth group had a father-daughter date night. Here is Misty with her dad.
-my dad and me on our date!
Here we are pledging Delta Sigma at Lipscomb University. We shared so many wonderful memories together pledging and just in general in college. We roomed just 2 doors down from each other. Misty's favorite singers at the time were the Dixie Chicks- she sang them from the top of her lungs often in those dorm rooms!! Her car was the "pledge-mobile" - she drove us everywhere- including runs to the Krispy Kreme Doughnut for crullers at 11:00 at night for our sweet sisters in Delta Sigma!!

Last picture here is us shopping with my cousin Allison for my wedding dress- what a sweet memory of the three of us when I found my dress!!
I look forward to seeing Misty's beautiful face in heaven one day - and to hear her laughing and singing again. Thank you, Jesus, for conquering death so that we all might be united again with not only our loved ones but with You, Lord. We are eternally grateful and indebted forever...may my life reflect the cost you paid to bring us home. Amen