Tuesday, October 08, 2013

This summer we also took our very 1st canoeing trip down the Harpeth River!!! I haven't canoed since the last time I went with the my parents and all our friends growing up--like 14-15 years ago!!! It was an absolute blast!!! The kids thought it was the greatest adventure ever- seriously. They thanked us over and over- it was precious. 

They enjoyed getting out and floating down stream too.

Here we are eating a Moon-pie on the bank of the river. This was something I enjoyed growing up every year on the river. Caleb said, "Let's make this our tradition too!!" He also tried his 1st rope swing. We were so proud of him! 

Here we are taking a long weekend trip to visit our dear friends, the Morrows, who just moved away this summer. It was a sweet time catching up and seeing where they live.

We went to LegoLand!!!!

This is Annelise on one of the rides at LegoLand- it's one of my favorite pictures of her right now. I think I'll capture this moment in my mind for a lifetime.

The boys put on shades in the department store and acted all cool!

And here is baby Madison- what a doll. 

On the way back we stopped at Lake Winny for a day of rides!! Annelise rode her 1st swings. She loved it!!

Caleb rode his 1st roller coaster and fell in love- just like his Mimi!!

A neat part of this park is that it's been around for a really long time. My dad grew up going year after year. That was really special. We rode a merry-go-round that he would have ridden was he was Caleb's age. 
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